- Τίτλος:
- The Good Doctor: The Overview Effect | Season 7 | Episode 8
- Σκηνοθέτης:
- Tracy Taylor
- Αρχική Γλώσσα:
- English
- Είδη:
- Drama
- Παραγωγή:
- 3AD
- Χώρες Παραγωγής:
- N/A
- Ημερομηνία Κυκλοφορίας:
- 2024
- Διάρκεια:
- 43 min
- Μέσος Όρος Ψήφων:
- IMDB 7.8 / 351 χρήστες
- Σύνδεσμος IMDB:
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt31309222
- Επισκόπηση:
A young patient needs his parents to agree on an important medical decision that could greatly improve his health; his parents are unable to agree on the correct path which spurs the team to try and intervene on behalf of their patient.