Undead Unluck (S01)
Original Language:
David Production
Production Countries:
Release Date:
24 min
Vote Average:
IMDB 7.7 / 591 users
An unlucky girl meets an undead guy. The two work together well with their super abilities, but discover a conspiracy involving superhumans.
Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Undead and Unluck) Season 1 Episode 1

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Union) Season 1 Episode 2

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(How to Use My Unluck) Season 1 Episode 3

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Do You Love the Change in Me?) Season 1 Episode 4

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(United We Negate) Season 1 Episode 5

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Spoil) Season 1 Episode 6

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Victhor) Season 1 Episode 8

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Return) Season 1 Episode 9

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Result) Season 1 Episode 10

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Rio de Janeiro) Season 1 Episode 11

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Activate) Season 1 Episode 12

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Tatiana) Season 1 Episode 13

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Crimson Bullet) Season 1 Episode 14

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Under) Season 1 Episode 15

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Revolution) Season 1 Episode 16

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Outsmart) Season 1 Episode 17

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Cry for the Moon) Season 1 Episode 18

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Undead+Unluck) Season 1 Episode 19

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Anno Un) Season 1 Episode 20

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Memento Mori) Season 1 Episode 21

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(Profile) Season 1 Episode 22

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(A Story I Won't See Coming) Season 1 Episode 23

Subtitles for: Undead Unluck (S01)(To You, From Me) Season 1 Episode 24

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