- Title:
- Wakfu: Grougaloragran l'éternel | Season 1 | Episode 17
- Director:
- Anthony Roux
- Original Language:
- N/A
- Production:
- N/A
- Production Countries:
- N/A
- Release Date:
- 2009
- Runtime:
- N/A
- Vote Average:
- IMDB 9.1 / 42 users
- IMDB Link:
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2148765
- Overview:
Grougaloragran fights Nox, who wants to take his magical power, Wakfu. Yugo and his friends are stranded in a frozen wilderness.
# | Language | Delay | Download | Total Downloads | Subtitle Name | User | Report | |
1 | Greek | 89 | Wakfu_S01E17_ΓκÏουγκαλοÏαγκÏάν ο παντοτινός.el WEB-DL | Magico Team Dec 30, 2022 | Bad Subtitle? |
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