- Title:
- El barco: Camarón que se duerme... | Season 2 | Episode 6
- Director:
- Jesús Colmenar
- Original Language:
- N/A
- Production:
- Globomedia
- Production Countries:
- N/A
- Release Date:
- 2011
- Runtime:
- N/A
- Vote Average:
- IMDB 8.4 / 27 users
- IMDB Link:
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2088230
- Overview:
The Shrimp That Sleeps - - (from a Spanish proverb, "The shrimp that sleeps gets taken by the current.") - A birthday party aboard the Estrella Polar lifts spirits while Father Palomares...
# | Language | Delay | Download | Total Downloads | Subtitle Name | User | Report | |
1 | Greek | 7 | El Barco-2x06-Camaron que se duerme... DVB Spanish by tony HDTV | Anna79 Jun 13, 2018 | Bad Subtitle? |
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