- Title:
- Gomorra: La serie: Folge #5.3 | Season 5 | Episode 3
- Director:
- Marco D'Amore
- Original Language:
- ItalianNeapolitan
- Production:
- N/A
- Release Date:
- 2021
- Runtime:
- 47 min
- Vote Average:
- IMDB 8.2 / 297 users
- IMDB Link:
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt14657130
- Overview:
While Ruggieri continues to investigate Genny, in Secondigliano the Levante are no longer popular. Genny tries to take back the neighborhood, but to do so, he needs a load of cocaine.
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1 | Greek | 1,141 | Gomorrah-s05e03-italian-webrip-x264-ion10 | Magico Team Mar 27, 2022 | Bad Subtitle? |
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