- Title:
- L'aventure des premiers hommes: The Americas | Season 1 | Episode 5
- Director:
- Peter Oxley
- Original Language:
- N/A
- Genres:
- Documentary
- Production:
- N/A
- Production Countries:
- N/A
- Release Date:
- 2009
- Runtime:
- N/A
- Vote Average:
- IMDB 8.2 / 24 users
- IMDB Link:
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1465362
- Overview:
How did Stone Age people reach North and South America? Dr Alice Roberts discovers evidence for an ancient corridor through the Canadian ice sheet that may have allowed those first people...
# | Language | Delay | Download | Total Downloads | Subtitle Name | User | Report | |
1 | Greek | 19 | The Incredible Human Journey-DOx05-The Americas MVGroup HDTV | Angel-Magico Jul 13, 2018 | Bad Subtitle? |
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